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Arcs Linear Scale untuk Machining Table Slim Fit adalah jenis linear scale dengan ukuran resolusi: 0.005mm (standar); 0.001mm (opsional). Linear scale ini dirancang untuk mengukur dengan tepat pergerakan dan jarak perjalanan meja XY pada mesin penggilingan untuk aplikasi machining semi-otomatis. Ini menawarkan dua jenis sinyal output -5V, TTL (Standar) dan RS422 (Opsional) sesuai permintaan pelanggan. Panjang Pengukuran (ML) dari Arcs Linear Scale untuk Machining Table Slim Fit berkisar dari 50mm hingga 1100mm. Dilengkapi dengan 5 set bantalan, untuk memastikan posisi pengulangan yang sangat baik, gesekan yang baik, dan daya tahan yang baik.
Arcs Linear Scale For Milling Table Slim Ordering Guide:
![]() |
50mm |
100mm |
150mm |
200mm |
250mm |
300mm |
350mm |
0.005mm |
LDOS0050-5A3 |
LDOS0100-5A3 |
LDOS0150-5A3 |
LDOS0200-5A3 |
LDOS0250-5A3 |
LDOS0300-5A3 |
LDOS0350-5A3 |
0.001mm |
LDOS0050-1A3 |
LDOS0100-1A3 |
LDOS0150-1A3 |
LDOS0200-1A3 |
LDOS0250-1A3 |
LDOS0300-1A3 |
LDOS0350-1A3 |
![]() |
400mm |
450mm |
500mm |
600mm |
700mm |
800mm |
900mm |
0.005mm |
LDOS0400-5A3 |
LDOS0450-5A3 |
LDOS0500-5A3 |
LDOS0600-5A3 |
LDOS0700-5A3 |
LDOS0800-5A3 |
LDOS0900-5A3 |
0.001mm |
LDOS0400-1A3 |
LDOS0450-1A3 |
LDOS0500-1A3 |
LDOS0600-1A3 |
LDOS0700-1A3 |
LDOS0800-1A3 |
LDOS0900-1A3 |
![]() |
1000mm |
1100mm |
0.005mm |
LDOS1000-5A3 |
LDOS1100-5A3 |
0.001mm |
LDOS1000-5A3 |
LDOS1100-1A3 |
Notes: Be advised that prior to installing the linear glass scale, be sure to calibrate the machines travel on XY Table, especially for the Z or vertical axis on milling machines are not always accurate. Many times the manufacturer not necessarily measure the travel with a centering 3D tester on its tool holder chuck or collet installed, sometimes even without the spindle! Furthermore, additional accessories such as power feeds may limit your machines travel to a less than the written machine specs. The easiest way to measure your machines travel is by position the machine to the far end of its travel. Then with a grease pencil, make a mark across where the movement and stationary surfaces meet. Next, position your machine to the opposite end of its travel limit to simply measure the distance between the marks. This simple method will help you to realize your machines' true range and capacity!
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